OpenTera WebRTC API (C++) 1.2.6
This is the complete list of members for opentera::WebrtcClient, including all inherited members.
callAll() | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
callIds(const std::vector< std::string > &ids) | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
close() | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
closeAllRoomPeerConnections() | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
closeSync() | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
connect() | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
createPeerConnectionHandler(const std::string &id, const Client &peerClient, bool isCaller)=0 (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protectedpure virtual |
DECLARE_NOT_COPYABLE(WebrtcClient) (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
DECLARE_NOT_MOVABLE(WebrtcClient) (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
getConnectedRoomClientIds() | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
getInternalClientThread() (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inlineprotected |
getOnClientConnectedFunction() (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
getOnClientConnectionFailedFunction() (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
getOnClientDisconnectedFunction() (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
getOnErrorFunction() (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
getRoomClient(const std::string &id) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
getRoomClients() | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
hangUpAll() | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
id() | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
invokeIfCallable(const std::function< T > &f, Types... args) (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
isConnected() | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
isRtcConnected() | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
log(const std::string &message) (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inlineprotected |
m_audioDeviceModule (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
m_audioProcessing (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
m_peerConnectionFactory (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
m_peerConnectionHandlersById (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
m_signalingClient (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | protected |
setCallAcceptor(const std::function< bool(const Client &)> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setLogger(const std::function< void(const std::string &message)> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setOnCallRejected(const std::function< void(const Client &)> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setOnClientConnected(const std::function< void(const Client &)> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setOnClientConnectionFailed(const std::function< void(const Client &)> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setOnClientDisconnected(const std::function< void(const Client &)> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setOnError(const std::function< void(const std::string &error)> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setOnRoomClientsChanged(const std::function< void(const std::vector< RoomClient > &)> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setOnSignalingConnectionClosed(const std::function< void()> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setOnSignalingConnectionError(const std::function< void(const std::string &)> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setOnSignalingConnectionOpened(const std::function< void()> &callback) | opentera::WebrtcClient | inline |
setTlsVerificationEnabled(bool isEnabled) | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
WebrtcClient(SignalingServerConfiguration &&signalingServerConfiguration, WebrtcConfiguration &&webrtcConfiguration, VideoStreamConfiguration &&videoStreamConfiguration) (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | |
~WebrtcClient() (defined in opentera::WebrtcClient) | opentera::WebrtcClient | virtual |