VideoRehab Service

The VideoRehab service is one of the system service in the OpenTera platform. Its role is to provide the required framework for video-based rehabilitation sessions. Based on WebRTC, providing an adapted user-interface for such usage. Implementation uses Node.js and Open-EasyRTC.

When requested to launch a video rehab session, this service will spawn a Node process for each of the session, creating isolated sessions and ensuring that only the invitees can access that session.

Main script

The VideoRehab service can be launched by running the script. As a system service, it is also launched automatically when running the main OpenTera service


Configuration file for the VideoRehab service is similar to the basic configuration files. It however adds a specific section for that service, and removes the Database since no database is used in that service.

WebRTC configuration section

The WebRTC section in the configuration file specifies the parameters required to launch the WebRTC framework.

  • hostname: the external hostname that will be used to connect to the WebRTC signaling server (Open-EasyRTC). It is important to use the external url, since that hostname will be sent and used by the clients (browsers) to establish the WebRTC connection.

  • external_port: the external port on which the WebRTC signaling server can be reached. In its default configuration, it is set to the same port as the main OpenTera service (40075)

  • local_base_port: the internal port on which the WebRTC signaling server will listen. This is the base port: each new session will listen to a port number on the range local_base_port to local_base_port + max_sessions. Since the NGINX router will redirects the external connection to the appropriate internal port (see below), there is no need to open those ports externally.

  • max_sessions: the maximum number of parallel sessions. This is linked to the local port ranges that could be opened (see local_base_port), but can also be used to limit the load of a specific server.

  • working_directory: the base directory for the signaling server

  • executable: the executable to launch. Since we are using Node.js, the executable should be node, but since, in theory, another signaling server could be used or if the executable is different because of system configuration, this parameter is available in the configuration file.

  • script: the parameters to pass to the executable. By default, it is script.js, which is the base script used by this service. However, if a custom or another script is needed, this is the parameter to update!

Service setup

As this service relies on Node.js and external scripts, it is required to setup the environment of that service before using it. See server deployment and the developers sections for more information on how to properly setup that environment.

Default port and location

By default, the service will listen to port 4070 (non-ssl) and will be at the /rehab path on the base server URL.

Web URLs

As each session will spawn in a different process and listen on a different internal (local) port, the Web URLs for that service are dynamic, which contribute to the overall security of the OpenTera platform.

The base service is located at the /rehab path, while each of the video rehab sessions are located at the /webrtc path.

To properly route an external URLs to the correct port, a NGINX rule was defined to include the local port in the URL and redirect it to the correct listening server. This takes the form of, for example, which will redirect the request to the server listening on the internal port 8081.


This service doesn’t expose any REST API.

Web Frontend

The web frontends are provided and managed by the Node.js express server. The base files are located here. Included javascript files and assets are located here.


This service uses the asynchronous communication system, but also provides the following RPC API:



This function controls a session by allowing to start, stop, add and remove participants from it.


A session_manage JSON formatted input string (format: session_manage {action: '', ... }) with the following fields and structure:

  • action (string): the action that the service is required to take. The following actions are currently available:

    • start: starts a new session

    • stop: stops an active session

    • invite: sends an invitation to users, participants or devices in session in progress

    • remove: removes a user, participant or device from a session in progress

    • invite_reply: manages a session invitation reply

  • id_session (int): the ID of the session to which to apply the action. If using the start action, a value of id_session=0 can be used to create a totally new session. Otherwise, the specified session will be used. This is a required parameter for each action.

  • parameters (string): Optional field containing session parameters.

Specific fields for start action

  • id_creator_user (int): the ID of the user that created that session. For now, only users can create a video rehab session, though this might change in the future. Required only when creating a new session (id_session == 0).

  • id_session_type (int): the ID of the session type of that session. Required only when creating a new session (id_session == 0).

  • session_participants, session_users, session_devices (list): the participants, users and devices UUID to invite to that session.

Specific fields for invite and remove action

  • session_participants, session_users, session_devices (list): the participants, users and devices UUID to invite to that session or to remove from.

Specific fields for invite_reply action

  • parameters (dict): a dictionary of parameters to send in the JoinSessionReplyEvent message:

    • reply_code: the reply code (value)

    • reply_msg: a message to send with the reply. Optional.

Return value

The return value will be a dictionary with the following fields:

  • status (string): the status of the action command:

    • error: an error occurred. See the field error_text for a description of the error.

    • started: the session was properly started. A session field contains a JSON formatted string of the session (based on the database model), with the following added fields:

      • session_url_users, session_url_participants, session_url_devices: the URLs used to connect to the session for users, participants and devices.

    • stopped: the session was properly stopped. A session field contains a JSON formatted string of the session (based on the database model).

    • invited: the invitations for the session were properly sent. A session field contains a JSON formatted string of the session (based on the database model).

    • removed: the specified invitees were properly removed from the session. A session field contains a JSON formatted string of the session (based on the database model).

    • OK: the session invitation reply was properly managed. A session field contains a JSON formatted string of the session (based on the database model).